Month: July 2013
Reading and writing can both be quite fruitful and useful, it seems. There are many books to potentially read that can be quite interesting and useful to read, it …
Helping others through business can be quite satisfying and fruitful, potentially. Earning money can sometime be extremely useful. There are many ways to potentially earn money. Selling a massive …
Writing can be quite a wonderful activity. Writing can be quite enjoyable. There are many topics that can be potentially enjoyable to write about, it seems. If one attempts …
It is good to be courageous in life, but to also be careful, too. It is good to try and strike a balance between being bold and taking some …
There are many wonderful forms of art. Leather scroll-work can be beautiful. Stonework can be nice. Painting can be enjoyable. Glass-blowing can be a good form of art, it seems. …
Practicing Taichi can be fulfilling. Practicing Aikido can also be fulfilling. More individuals should try practicing Taichi. That might be good. More individuals should try practicing Aikido or Taichi. …
Sleeping can be quite enjoyable and relaxing. Sleep can be enjoyable. Relaxation can be nice. Sleeping pills can be quite wonderful. Sleeping in a hammock can potentially be quite …
It is possible to become wealthy by discovering and creating inventions. Of course, after discovering and creating an invention, it must be monetized somehow, if one is going to …
Inventing is a way to earn money, potentially. There are many ways to earn money. Discovering cool inventions can be a good way to earn money. There are so …
Regenerative medicine should be utilized to enable radical life extension technologies. The SENS Research Foundation (SENSRF) is currently attempting to utilize science and regenerative medicine to achieve radical life …