Month: January 2012
When it comes to the subject of cloning humans, this is becoming more important in modern day society. All activities related to the cloning of human beings are possibly …
It is good to physically exercise if possible it seems. This can be achieved in all sorts of ways. One can go to a gym, or go snowboarding. Gardening …
Cryonics and life extension are both technologies in different stages of development. Both are basically medical technologies. Cryonics aims to freeze legally dead humans so they can be brought …
Here are some more ideas about fun things to do on this Earth. Writing can be one of the many enjoyable things to do on Earth. There are probably …
The following are some ideas about traveling, gardening, and true beauty. Traveling can be an enjoyable activity. There are many places to travel on this Earth. It can be …
Here is a thought of the day. Abolish psychiatric injustices. These injustices include civil commitment, involuntary psychiatric treatment, and the insanity defense. They are all unjust and unethical, just …
Here are some potentially interesting quotes about life, freedom, and justice. Many humans have lived in the past and have said many wise things. These are somewhat historical quotes …
It can be hard to focus in order to decide about what topic to write about. Ultimately, one must just pick a topic that they know some about, or …
Here are some interesting quotes about life to think about. Here are some potentially wise quotes about joy, about despair, about music, about praise, and about communication. Speak clearly, …
Here are some recent news links that might be interesting to read. These recent news links includes science news, bats, information about Aikido, teen behavior, business news, and political …