Month: April 2011
Perhaps, you have studied psychology or are studying psychology as a psychology major. Perhaps, you feel like psychology does not take theology into account enough. Perhaps, you would like …
Eustress can be useful, but distress and mental breakdown are arguably not useful. Eustress is a good type of stress. It energizes us, motivates us, and gets us to …
Here are some links to various stories of science in the news. New scientific discoveries and inventions are made just about everyday, it seems like. Scientists have reportedly developed graphene super-paper …
This will be about deciding whether or not you should become a psychology major. Deciding what your major should be is a big decision. You should get all the information …
Here is some science in the news for you to enjoy reading. Scientists at MIT have created technologies that could allow for windows to harvest the infrared solar energy …
This is being posted now, so it is perhaps almost live news online. According to a new report, herpes may be more virulent in Africa than it is in The …
Some science in the news is probably more interesting than other science news, depending on where you find it. Some sites might be boring. Some science news sites might …
Reportedly, North Korea has recently sent a delegation to the USA to study capitalism. This is possibly an interesting news item. Perhaps the North Korean regime is interested in …
There are many good sources to find the latest technology news. There is an incredible amount of news about technology on The Internet. Google News allows you to search …
There could be 2 or more billion Earth-like planets in existence. That is a lot of planets. It seems likely that some of them would harbor life. Now, all that is …