Month: November 2015
I am interested in helping with this mobile WordPress app. I have some tech skills but not so much for in depth software development, at least not yet. I …
The idea of open source software can be fairly amazing. LibreOffice, Linux, MediaWiki, WordPress, and so forth are all fairly amazing open source projects in various ways. Open source …
What if there is an app that is open and distributed and has the same functionality as Snapchat but without advertisements? Or what if there is a simply a …
Sacredness is our inheritance. My spirituality is heavily influenced by A Course In Miracles, Aikido, Be Here Now, and a variety of different experiences and ideas. All humans have the …
Hello. I have recently started actively using the WordPress mobile app. It is already an awesome phone app. WordPress mobile app might be an open alternative to the purely …
Think clearly. Publish prolifically. Those two sentences are sort of tangents. So are the next four small paragraphs. I recently finished listening to Linchpin by Seth Godin. Intersting book. …