Here are quite a few ideas to think about and possibly consider. I want to be successful. Be a good human being. Try hard in life. Earn money. Create jobs for others. Writing can be enjoyable. Writing does not have to be hard. There are many topics to write about. Civil commitment and the insanity defense should be banned, it seems. Having success can feel extremely good. That seems to be quite true.
In life, it is good to feel good. It is good to regulate one’s own emotions to the most effective degree possible. I hope that more individuals read books that Thomas Szasz wrote. I also hope that more individuals read the book Ending Aging. Aubrey de Grey wrote that book. Writing can be quite enjoyable. Writing can be fruitful and potentially profitable.
I hope that there is peace all over Earth sooner rather than later. Peace is quite good. Peace is wonderful. All humans should seek peace. All adults should read this article. More adults should listen to audio-books. Aubrey de Grey is quite a genius, it seems. It is good to be creative. Being creative can feel extremely good.
More individuals should read the book The Art of Peace. Earning money can be quite useful. All humans should learn as much as possible about self-defense. Aikido can be enjoyable to practice. Tai Chi can be enjoyable to practice. Psychiatrists sometimes act in ways that are unethical. That seems to be quite true, unfortunately. Ethics is perhaps subjective to a certain degree, but that is perhaps not always the case. Utilizing chattel slavery seems to be quite unethical. Engaging in psychiatric slavery also seems to be quite unethical. More individuals should read the book Psychiatric Slavery.
The above paragraphs blend quite a diverse mixture of ideas. The rest of this paragraph will be no different. It is good to laugh often in life, it seems. It is good to earn enough money. Hopefully no more poverty will exist on Earth. Hopefully all humans will live long and healthy lives. Hopefully these ideas have been interesting and useful to read.