Earning money can often be quite useful, it seems. All humans must eat food and drink water. Most all humans need some form of shelter, it seems. Humans have basic needs. Money can be used to obtain some of these basic needs. Money can be useful when trying to obtain basic needs, it seems. Therefore, earning money can be quite useful sometimes.
It will be good when all humans have basic needs like food, water, clothing and shelter met. Earning money can be quite useful since money can be used as a tool to secure basic needs like those aforementioned above. Humans have certain basic needs that must be met in order to survive. Hopefully all humans on Earth will be able to live fulfilling, long and healthy lives. Basic necessities usually cost money.
There are many ways to potentially earn money. Earning money can be quite useful. So many things cost money. Money can be used to live life in ways that are more comfortable and relaxing, it seems. It is possible to earn money over The Internet, potentially. Earning money can potentially be enjoyable and fulfilling. Money can contribute to increased levels of happiness. Although, money by itself cannot create enough happiness. Meaning in life and meaningful relationships are also needed to experience real and lasting happiness, it seems.
Earning money over The Internet is a way to potentially become a location independent digital nomad, it seems. Writing prolifically is potentially one way to earn money over The Internet, it seems. Writing prolifically is often quite possible. There are many strategies that can be used to write prolifically, it seems.
There are many other ways to earn money, generally speaking. It is possible to earn money both online and offline. Consulting, selling, producing, providing, solving problems and more all ways to potentially earn money online, it seems. It is good to produce and publish a great deal of high quality content it seems. That is one way to potentially earn money, it seems. Earning money can sometimes be quite useful, it seems.