Here are so more news links for this March in 2011. Enjoy…
General Petraeus implies that the Taliban’s momentum has been stopped. Isn’t that good? When will there be more peace on Earth?
There could be 450,000 refugees in The Ivory Coast in Africa. That is sad and very unfortunate. Hopefully, they will all be safe.
The United States warns against other countries withdrawing from Afghanistan too early.
Scientists study if genius could be a result of hormones in the brain.
States in The United States are making cuts to mental health funding.
In an “alienation of affection” suit, a judge awards the plaintiff $30 million. Wow! Do not be deceitful.
It appears that an extrodinary percentage of psychiatric recipients smoke cigarettes. That seems unfortunate.
Hopefully you will enjoy these links to various sorts of live news online that is on The Internet. Post leads to more interesting news links in the comments. Thanks! 🙂