Regenerative Medicine May Significantly Decrease Human Suffering

Regenerative medicine should be utilized to enable radical life extension technologies. The SENS Research Foundation (SENSRF) is currently attempting to utilize science and regenerative medicine to achieve radical life extension. More individuals should donate money to SENSRF. Aging should be abolished. Hopefully more individuals will conduct research that relates to regenerative medicine and radical life extension. Aging is not good. Aging should be eliminated. Aging is bad. It should be abolished. Aging is quite tragic. More individuals should donate money to The SENS Research Foundation.

More individuals should support research into radical life extension technology. Regenerative medicine has the potential to stop a great deal of human suffering and tragedy, it seems. Aging is quite tragic, it seems. Biological aging causes a great deal of suffering, it seems. Regenerative medicine may help many individuals on Earth to experience more comfort, health, and prosperity, it seems.

Regenerative medicine may enable humans to live indefinitely. More individuals should donate money to The SENS Research Foundation. Stem cell research may do wonderful things. Genetic engineering may help humans to live long and prosperous lives, it seems. Aging is quite bad and tragic. Hopefully the diseases of aging will be stopped sooner rather than later. Hopefully all humans will attempt to fighting aging to the same degree that various groups attempt to fight cancer.

It seems that cancer is simply a symptom of aging. Therefore, if aging is stopped, cancer will also be stopped. That seems to be quite good. It seems that aging can be thought of as being just as natural disease. Disease happens in nature and aging also happens in nature. Considerable efforts are exerted to try and stop diseases from ending human lives. Considerable efforts should also be taken to stop aging from ending human lives.

Death is quite unfortunate and tragic. That is one reason why more individuals should support research into regenerative medicine and radical life extension. Regenerative medicine is a promising technology that may benefit billions of humans all over Earth. That seems to be quite good and true. Regenerative medicine may significantly decrease human suffering all over Earth, eventually.