Location independent can be quite desirable. Location independent social entrepreneurship can be wonderful. Helping others while earning money can feel good, and it can potentially be done from anywhere. Helping others is not always profitable, but helping others can rightly be profitable. Helping others in a way is an efficient way to accomplish multiple worthwhile things. Earning money is useful and required for most individuals. There are many humans that can benefit from receiving help in life. Therefore, if one can earn money and help those who can benefit from help then it can be an efficient way to accomplish multiple worthwhile things.
Hopefully more benefit corporations will exist; benefit corporations are businesses that are officially supposed to earn money and help others. Social entrepreneurship can be quite worthwhile, fulfilling and profitable. Hopefully more individuals will engage in social entrepreneurship. Earning money can be useful. Social entrepreneurship is one way to earn money. Money is a tool. It can be used for good or bad. It can be used in ways that are moral or immoral.
Social entrepreneurship can be wonderful. Benefit corporations are good. There are many ways to earn money and help others. Hopefully more individuals will engage in social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship and benefit corporations might be just what developing nations need. Hopefully more individuals in developing countries will be able to start successful businesses or obtain decent jobs for decent wages. Hopefully poverty will be eradicated from Earth. It might be good if more individuals in developing nations engage in social entrepreneurship.
Hopefully all nations will develop a legal framework to officially enable benefit corporations. Benefit corporations are basically an official way to engage in social entrepreneurship. Being a digital nomad is quite desirable. Hopefully more individuals will be able to be digital nomads. Location independence might be quite wonderful. It seems possible to be a location independent social entrepreneur. It will indeed be good when no more humans feel forced to live in poverty with no other economic or financial options.
Becoming location independent can be a worthwhile goal to strive towards. Hopefully more individuals will be able to become location independent. Hopefully all of Earth will become decent places to travel to so location independent individuals can have even more freedom of movement. Hopefully more individuals will create businesses that help others and enable them to financially be location independent. Becoming location independent can be desirable.