Obtaining an education can make it easier for one to make more money over their life time. Obtaining an education can be difficult, but it can also be enjoyable and interesting. There are many ways to make money, and education might be a fairly efficient and fairly proven way to make more money over one’s life time. School can be enjoyable. Obtaining an education can be enjoyable. Many fields of study can be interesting. There are many fields of study, and it is almost a sure thing that something will be of interest to everyone. Everyone is different and everyone will have different interests and desires with regards to what they might want to study.
An education can enable one to make more money over one’s lifetime. On average the more education one has, the more money they will make over their life time. Money should not be the sole goal for obtaining more education, but at least, it can perhaps be thought of as a side effect of obtaining more education. One can help others with the knowledge that one obtains from an education.
Going to school to obtain an education can be interesting. There are many subjects that one can study in school. So, obtaining an education can be enjoyable. It might just be a matter of taking the time to find out what interests oneself. Education can be a social experience, and therefore enjoyable in that regard, too. If one wants to earn more money, education can be one of the many ways to make money over the long term. At least, an education can help one to make more money over the lifetime, on average.
Earning money benefits oneself. So, if one can earn money by helping and/or benefiting others through learned skills, then one can both benefit oneself and others at the same time it seems. This seems like it would be the best sort of arrangement. It would be an arrangement where potentially, everyone can win. So and education can benefit oneself and others.
It might be hard to find ways to do this, but it certainly seems quite possible. Education is one way to help make it happen. Perhaps being paid to help others have success (possibly through a learned skill or discipline) is the best and most efficient way to benefit oneself and another at the same time. There are probably many ways to do and accomplish this; education is just one way to benefit oneself and others. It is just one of the many legal ways to earn money, or at least increase one’s ability to make money, it seems.