There are many ways to try and engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level. Engaging in life enrichment strategies at the societal level is generally done with the intention of benefiting others, and not just one’s own self. It is possible for an individual who engages in life enrichment strategies at a societal level to benefit one’s own self along the way, but it is secondary to helping others. For example, for one who engages activities that may help other, it can simply feel good to try and help others; additionally, such experience may be good things to put on a resume or a good way to learn new things.
There are many ways to potentially help others. Engaging in activism to try and create more just societies on Earth can be a good way to potentially engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level. Volunteering can be another good way to help others.
Simply conducting one’s own self in ways that are positive can help all of society. For example, being a kind, compassionate, thoughtful, considerate, ethical and virtuous human being can help enrich society. If all humans on Earth will do everything possible to be virtuous, thoughtful, ethical, kind, generous and considerate, then it seems that the Earth will likely be a much nicer place to live for everyone. Hopefully all individuals on Earth will think about how to potentially engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level, and then take action.
Of course, taking care of one’s own self is a prerequisite for being able to try and benefit others. Therefore, good self care is quite important for those who want to try and help benefit others and society in general. Attempting to change unjust laws can be a good way to try and engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level. Being a researcher who conducts research that may benefit all humans on Earth is another good way to try and benefit all humans.
There is probably an infinite number of individual ways that one can attempt to engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level. There are many good and potentially effective ways to engage in life enrichment strategies on a societal level, and hopefully more individuals on Earth will attempt to engage in them.