Author: Michael Ten
The insanity defense should be abolished. It is not possible to prove that someone did not know the difference between right and wrong when they committed a crime. There …
Support radical life extension research. Radical life extension attempts to stop and/or reverse human aging. Some scientists like Aubrey de Grey estimate that it might be possible to stop …
Chattel slavery was wrong, and psychiatric slavery is also wrong. Psychiatric slavery equates to the insanity defense, involuntary psychiatric treatment, and civil commitment. Proponents of these things argue that …
Everyone has the potential to be successful at something. Everyone has a different niche which could work for them. It can be difficult to find this sometimes. However, if …
The insanity defense should be abolished. It is not possible to prove that someone did not know the difference between right and wrong when they committed a crime. There …
Civil commitment should be abolished. It is most often used when someone is a danger to their own self or others. Civil commitment is part of psychiatric slavery and it should …
One can write an article by using text to record ideas digitally. Being a prolific writer can be quite satisfying seems. By hiring others, one can both help the …
Faster than light travel would be a wonderful technology. It would definitely take some high-risk research to see if that could potentially be something that might be developed in …
It can be quite enjoyable to travel. There are many wonderful places to vacation and/or travel to on Earth. There are tropical places. There are cold places. There are …
Voice dictation software can potentially help one to earn more money. Such software can allow one to create more content more efficiently. The more high-quality content that one publishes, …