Strive to achieve worthwhile goals. Succeeding when striving towards worthwhile goals can feel quite good. Experiencing happiness can be a worthwhile goal. Helping others can be a worthwhile goal. Earning money while helping others can feel quite good and be quite useful. Dogged perseverance can be a good way to succeed. Of course one must utilize potentially successful tactics for a long enough duration in order to succeed when striving towards worthwhile goals.
Perseverance can be quite useful. It is good to persevere. Hopefully all humans will persevere when striving towards worthwhile goals. Creativity can be useful when persevering. Patience can be useful. There are many worthwhile goals to potentially strive towards. Succeeding can feel quite good potentially.
Repealing unjust laws seems like it might be a worthwhile goal. Trying to help end poverty and/or aging seem like potentially worthwhile goals. Attempting to help others experience more freedom seems like a potentially worthwhile goal. Helping one’s own self and others to experience more happiness seems like a potentially worthwhile goal. Trying to behave in ways that are virtuous seems like a potentially worthwhile goal. Trying to be as healthy as possible seems like a worthwhile goal.
Being skilled at something potentially enjoyable like disc golf, pool, hunting, photography or so forth seems like a potentially worthwhile goal. Hopefully all humans on Earth will attempt to strive towards worthwhile goals. Hopefully all humans on Earth will utilize dogged perseverance when striving towards worthwhile goals.
Being kind towards others is a worthwhile goal potentially. Successfully achieving worthwhile goals can be difficult but rewarding. That is why not giving up is so important. Success can sometimes seem far off. Of course there may be times when it might be appropriate for one to adjust or change the goals that one has for one’s own self. However, if a goal is truly and authentically worthwhile, then perhaps it is best not to change one’s focus away from a worthwhile goal. Hopefully all humans will strive to achieve worthwhile goals.