Author: Michael Ten
There is probably a limitless amount of fun ways to make money that are legal. One should not break the law when attempting to earn money. Earning money can …
Life extension is perhaps good. There are scientists attempting to figure out how to genuinely stop or reverse the biological aging processes. Life extension might be a worth while …
It can be good to buy electronic books. There are many reasons to buy them instead of physical books. Electronic books have many advantages over physical books. There are …
Many humans experience depression symptoms at sometime in their lifetime. Stressors are sometimes just about everywhere, and sometimes, these are triggers of sadness or worry. It could be stress at home, …
Science impacts society greatly, and science in the news helps drive science forward. When researches publish their findings, it allows others to absorb new knowledge. New research can make …
If you’re feeling down at the moment, if you feel like the world is tumbling down on you, it’s time to think of fun things to do. Depression is …
Get an education. Go to school. Study something. There are many areas to potentially study. Through education, one can make more money and contribute to society in meaningful ways. …
Perhaps one should become good at drawing to become better at designing cool inventions. Sketching out ideas can help one to develop them further. Probably many thousands of inventions …
A Course In Miracles says that the atonement is already complete. ACIM is sort of like a practical joke in this sense then. If the atonement is complete, then …
There is a company that is planning to turn plastic into oil. This company plans to use waste plastic to turn into oil, it seems. This seems like quite …