Author: Michael Ten
Being a psychology major might give one knowledge that one can apply no matter what one does. If one is a psychology major, one will likely have some knowledge …
Sun Center Studios is a television and movie studio outside Philadelphia, PA. They have recently added or are planning to add a whole bunch of solar energy collectors to …
If you exercise you can lose weight. Exercise can feel quite good and exercise can be quite healthy. Of course, don’t exercise if your doctors recommends that you don’t, …
Cool inventions have the potential to bring joy to yourself and others. You inventions are perhaps something you should share with others. Perhaps if you share your inventions with …
Here, it shall be pondered if mental breakdown exists. A tiny bit similarly, psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz has asked if mental illness exists. Mental breakdown implies there is something …
Sometimes, humans can almost drive themselves nuts to the point of mental breakdown trying to reach a goal or get what they want. Getting what you want is not …
Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion. He deserved to die it seems. Good for The USA. It took like 7 or 8 years, but this terrorist was …
Perhaps, you have studied psychology or are studying psychology as a psychology major. Perhaps, you feel like psychology does not take theology into account enough. Perhaps, you would like …
Eustress can be useful, but distress and mental breakdown are arguably not useful. Eustress is a good type of stress. It energizes us, motivates us, and gets us to …
Here are some links to various stories of science in the news. New scientific discoveries and inventions are made just about everyday, it seems like. Scientists have reportedly developed graphene super-paper …