There are many good legal ways to earn money online. One could post videos, pictures or articles in various locations. One could write for a revenue sharing site. One …
Here are some thoughts and ideas about psychology and being a psychology major. Picking a major is important, and one should make sure that one is studying a topic …
In order to become wealthy, find the right strategy. Becoming wealthy can be difficult. There are an infinite number of potential strategies to try and experiment with. Becoming wealthy …
Human cryopreservation is where a legally dead human is frozen so that they can possibly be revived at a later time. This is relatively new technology, and can be …
Here are some possibly interesting ideas to consider. These ideas are about honesty, the idea of mental illness, quantum computing, and genetic engineering. Do not lie. Be honest. Honesty …
Here are some hopefully helpful ideas about words of encouragement. Everyone can perhaps benefit from encouraging words. Words of encouragement can be useful for everyone it seems. Everyone can benefit from …
Radical life extension is good. Radical life extension could be to enable humans to potentially live indefinitely. There are some serious scientists that are attempt to make radical life …
Here is more than one hopefully useful and interesting thought of the day to read and hopefully enjoy. These are some thoughts and ideas about winning, animals, transportation, Tai …
Support life extension research. No human should have to die. Humans should not be forced to live indefinitely, but at least they should have the option to be able …
Here are some ideas about money, wealth and ways to make money legally. Wealth can be good. Money can be good. Money is a tool. Hopefully more humans on …