Research can produce all sorts of wonderful advances in technology. If aging was eliminated, this would be a good use of research and technology. Sometimes, research can lead to …
Striving towards goals can be difficult, sometimes, perhaps. If one does not give up in striving towards success, then one is probably significantly more likely to have success. If …
In The United States, liberty is often promoted as being a great virtue. Liberty and freedom are great. However, when one freely makes poor choices, one should take personal …
Vacation is meant to be enjoyable. If one works hard in life, then hopefully, one should earn a vacation! If one is on vacation, then one should perhaps do …
If in twenty years you are still alive, you may have the ability to never die. At the minute of being born, people start the fight against the unavoidable. …
The function of contemporary science and technology has been on the rise and has significantly impacted the daily lives of persons today, and it will continue for years to …
It can be enjoyable to have money. If one has money, then more options are available. It can be enjoyable to spend money, and it can be enjoyable to …
Would living forever be desirable? Who would want to live forever? Could humans live in such a way as to never ever become bored with life? Probably, it seems. Human creativity could …
Anyone can become an inventor and then go on to discover cool inventions. It probably takes, time, energy, hard work, learning, and practice though. Lots of trial and error …
As a psychology major, you may read some of the writings by psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz before you graduate. Psychology can have many applications, and one of those is …