Category: Miscellaneous
Voice dictation software can potentially help one to earn more money. Such software can allow one to create more content more efficiently. The more high-quality content that one publishes, …
Doing science research can be good, and can include studying pre med requirements. Science research can include many topics and areas of study. There are many diseases that one …
Everyone should try to become as healthy as they possibly can. If one is too heavy, then it seems like one might need to lose some weight. Should you …
More individuals should research radical life extension technology, perhaps. Hopefully more cures for various physical diseases will be found. This will require research. Hopefully more humans will be able …
Humans should work to colonize other planets. This may never happen. Humans may never be able to colonize other planets. However, it seems like there is a good chance …
Non-consensual psychiatry should be abolished. Non-consensual psychiatry is wrong and should be abolished. Non-consensual psychiatry includes the insanity defense, involuntary treatment, civil commitment, and psychiatry slavery. None of these …
Here are some ideas to possibly consider. What is true value? Monetary transactions take place all the time. So what then is real and true value? It’s probably subjective, perhaps. That …
Involuntary psychiatric treatment is immoral and wrong. It imprisons innocent citizens. Psychiatrists who treat humans involuntarily should be tried for crimes against humanity, perhaps. Humans should be allowed to cease their …
Becoming financially independent is a worthwhile goal. It is no fun having to depend on others. It’s definitely possible to become financially independent for most everyone. If someone is …
This is that art which does not accurately represent form. The variation in representation occurs in many ways that include color, shape and form itself. The beauty of it …