Author: Michael Ten
It can be hard to focus in order to decide about what topic to write about. Ultimately, one must just pick a topic that they know some about, or …
Here are some interesting quotes about life to think about. Here are some potentially wise quotes about joy, about despair, about music, about praise, and about communication. Speak clearly, …
Here are some recent news links that might be interesting to read. These recent news links includes science news, bats, information about Aikido, teen behavior, business news, and political …
Here are some potentially interesting ideas about cool inventions. Here is a list of cool inventions that do not exist yet. It might be nice if they existed for …
Support life extension research to potentially increase the average human life expectancy. Conducting life extension research would likely count as support it seems. One could perhaps find a way …
Here are some ideas for topics to write articles on. This is definitely not all inclusive. This is perhaps like one grain of sand in a metaphorical dune of …
Here is at least one possibly nice thought of the day to read. Thoughts and ideas can be useful, perhaps. Slavery is not right. Chattel slavery was not right, …
Everything is an idea. Here are some ideas that might be relevant for the present time. Be honest and virtuous in life. Do not break laws. Change laws if they seem …
Here are is a semi-random arrangement of somewhat random ideas to consider. Support and/or conduct life extension research. Life extension is good. It would be good if humans could life indefinitely. …
Here is a miscellaneous mixture of some possibly good ideas. Prosecute criminals and abolish the insanity defense. Criminals should be prosecuted. All drugs should be legalized. Violence except in …